India’s Complex Social & Political Climate

India has a complex social and political climate that makes it very difficult for charities to operate.

India's Complex Political & Social Climate

As of April, 2023, India became the most populated nation in the world. India has ancient roots in hinduism and as a spice trade power, yet was under British imperial control until 1947. Still today, those events have created a stigma towards “western influence”. Many Indians want to regain their lost culture. However, since regaining their independence competing ideas of communism; from eastern neighbor China, and Sharia (Islamic Rule); from western neighbor Pakistan, have also begun competing for power in India. This concentration of diverse views, global population, natural resources, and geographic influence, have made India into a type of world arena where opposing governments and religions battle for power. 

The unfortunate side-effect is that India has become a very difficult region to operate in benevolence. Kindness is often feared to have ulterior motives or to be a play to gain influence. As a result, many “western” charities or organizations have experienced severe persecution. Even organizations that many consider well-respected, such as Compassion International, have been barred from operating in India.

Dawas Ministries has also encountered significant persecution. In one altercation, after completing a feeding shelter outreach, a radical group targeted Dawa Bhutia and her team and had them arrested under fabricated charges. Recognizing the false allocations and corruption, one of the arresting police officers also imprisoned himself with the team until they were all released a week later.

Despite persecutions, threats, and limitations, Dawas Ministries boldly continues to care for the needs of homeless children and the disadvantaged in India and Nepal.

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A Donation of just $5.00 is more than most Indian people live on for 2 full days.