Overcoming Prejudice to Reach Street Children in Nepal
Despite prejudice and discrimination we are continuing to meet the basic needs of street children in Nepal.
Dawas Ministries is uniquely positioned to provide regular outreaches for street children on the ground in India and Nepal. Children are fed, cherished, have Good News shared with them, and are given an opportunity to receive an education or learn a practical trade.
By making a simple, one-time, donation of any amount you can impact the life of a child and set the on a course to freedom and prosperity.
We have encountered prejudice and persecutions for the sake of caring for children in this region. Please remember us in your prayers for protection, favor, and continued boldness.
Through a monthly financial partnership with Dawas Ministries, you allow our team to plan effective trips, provide more resources, and secure placement for children to receive an education.
We're looking for volunteers! Help us with fund raising events and more. We also need those with teaching experience, to support students for 3 months in India and Nepal. Join the fight against child hunger and get involved today!
India has the largest population of homeless children in the world. Cities like Delhi, not only have a concentration of homeless children, the fact that there are so many unprotected children makes these cities a concentration area for global child trafficking. By focusing on these areas we can make a true difference towards ending child homelessness and trafficking. When you partner with Dawas Ministries, you aren’t only feeding homeless children you are giving them what they need to escape circumstances that are often life-threatening.
(More than double the population of New York City)
When David was just a small boy, he lived alone in the streets. He was in constant fear that someone would kill him so he was often very sleep deprived. He was told that he was being punished for the evil things he did in a past life.
David started coming to our feeding shelters for a good meal – and even found a safe place to sleep! After a few months, David decided that God loves him and has a good plan for his life. He left his suffering in the street behind and found safety and acceptance.
Today, more than 13 years later, David is a healthy young man determined to share the good things he has received! He is seen here with his mentor after having received his degree from the University of North Bengal.
Oftentimes, children are homeless as the result of a larger issue with their family; their parents lack food, finances, or the skills required to care for their child. This is why we have a variety of outreach projects to meet the needs in each area of the family.
Despite prejudice and discrimination we are continuing to meet the basic needs of street children in Nepal.
Child homelessness in India and Nepal have increased dramatically in the last 10 years as a result of drought, population increase, and social norms.
A Donation of just $5.00 is more than most Indian people live on for 2 full days.